Monday, September 30, 2019

A Proposed Sales and Inventory System for Mike

Republic of the Philippines BATAAN PENINSULA STATE UNIVERSITY Balanga City, Philippines COLLEGE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY TITLE PROPOSAL Project Title: A Proposed Sales and Inventory System for Mike-Len Bakeshop Summary In business like merchandising, Sales and Inventory system plays an important role. It is used to track all the transactions made by the business and responsible for monitoring the items supplies. All the business transactions must be properly recorded and must be fully secured by password.A Computerized system is the best solution and most innovative answer for their needs. The researchers had been motivated to do a study on this topic according to the above observation. The result may help others to understand more about computer-generated data processing, especially on how to deal with computers in terms of speed, accuracy and data security. Monitoring the transactions and other significant information regarding the customer of Mike-Len Bakeshop i s the main concern of this study. Also covered in the study are saving of information and transaction records with the customers.The Sales and Inventory System is concern with the processing of the transactions of the customers and owner and saving the sales records at the same time. These saved records area filed and stored for future use. This computerized system is important to a company because through it, the owner can easily assist the customers and store data safely. And also the monitoring of stocks is the most important part of this system. Project Background Sales and Inventory system looks for a precise, user friendly, capable system that can help you in your inventory process. The business will manage the inventory in less time than using Microsoft excel.This inventory system will can be updated. Current State of Technology The business is using only Microsoft Excel. They enter manually in their inventory. Their inventory is not updating even if there is a deliver. The b usiness is allocating the breads in manual form. Even the expenses they compute it manually. Project Problem Statement The system run slowly it might be running like a turtle and it cannot respond for a while. And maybe the system is acting strangely oftentimes leave you wondering what has happened. The system been working just fine and later, seemingly without reason, it is doing strange.Project Assumption The proposed project will help in many benefits in your business. It is to lighter the inventory process of Mike-Len Bakeshop and finally integrate in modernization of technology in its process such as: Faster process of sales and inventory. Automatic update on products Minimizes paper works. Proponents Name: ADOPTANTE, Mark allain M. TANO Richelle P. YUMOL, Jacqueline B. Approved by: Mrs. Marissa Ramos Mr. Dennis Carlos Signature over Printed NameSignature over Printed Name Mrs. Maria Lolita Masangcap Signature over Printed Name

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Abortion, is it murder or a right of passage Essay

Abortion is a highly controversial issue in today’s society, not only in New Zealand but internationally. On the basis of an Unfamiliar Text read in class expressing the legalities of abortions (Is Abortion Law due for a shake up? – A Sunday Star Times article) I decided to undertake further research on the topic. The article piqued my interest as it had many relevant points encompassing various societal issues that I hadn’t given much thought to before. Thus I decided to further research and base my report on the topic of abortion as I felt the need to expand my knowledge of the subject to become more socially aware of the issue of abortion. I had no previous knowledge and due to it becoming an increasingly present issue in today’s society I believe that it would be beneficial to understand the opposing viewpoints. I wanted to look into the controversial issues that surround abortion, how legal restrictions may potentially implicate the future of abortion s and lastly, what are the advantages and disadvantages of having an abortion. Throughout, I intended to use several different sources to ensure the breadth of my report and ensured the reliability of these sources by looking at well-known and respected databases. See more:  Social Satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay I thought it useful to first define abortion so that I could add vital context to what I was researching. Abortion is the procedure of terminating an un-wanted child and can be performed in two different ways, a medical abortion and a surgical abortion. The type of abortion performed is dependent on the trimester the mother is in at the time of her abortion, meaning how far along in the pregnancy she is. I attempted to encompass the large amount of differing viewpoints that people hold into two main viewpoints in an effort to be able to compare and contrast them effectively for my research purposes. The two main viewpoints that I defined for abortion were prolife and prochoice. Prolife means that abortions can only be performed on women who have experienced rape or an incestual conception along with the termination of a baby that may affect the mother’s health. Prochoice is the judgment that pregnant woman have the right to terminate their child for what ever reason they, pers onally, see fit. Both procedures  have advantages and disadvantages that can potentially affect the future of the individual and of course the unborn foetus. What are the key controversial issues surrounding abortion? Before I began researching this question I understood that many young women think of an abortion as a quick fix, a sort of late birth control. I began with the understanding that irresponsible sex is now seen as less of a concern in young people as an abortion is a readily available option. Due to this lowered level of concern surrounding abortions there has been a large increase in controversial issues surrounding whether an abortion is humane. Abortions in recent times are deemed as societally acceptable, which can have a negative impact on adolescent individuals as they do not have to fully take responsibility for the weight of their actions when abortions are so easily accessible to them. The ease at which these youths are having abortions is portrayed in the 2011 survey carried out by ‘The Independent’, which states â€Å"that 30 % of woman who have an abortion are 14-19 years old.† Many abortions are a cause of casual sex as teenagers and young adults are having flippant one-night stands, when resulting in unwanted pregnancies they turn to abortion. In 2010 statistics 3.9 per 1000 woman under 16 have abortions, 16.5 per 1000 woman under 18 have an abortion (The independent) these are astoundingly high results. Only furthermore expressing the irresponsible behavior of juveniles that may be compounded by the fact that they can have abortions easily in society today. In addition it has been stressed that because of such actions the child’s (foetus/embryo) rights have been exposed and consequently violated. Another issue intertwined is how long after gestation is it morally unjust to terminate a foetus/baby. Prolife activist Congressman Chris Smith says, â€Å"There is substantial evidence that by this point [20 weeks], unborn children draw away from surgical instruments in a manner which in an infant or an adult would be interpreted as a response to pain,à ¢â‚¬  (TIME). Many more believe that an abortion is murder, arguing that a foetus is able to feel pain during an abortion. Prochoice activists argue, â€Å"Abortion is not murder because it is performed before a foetus has developed into a human person† ( This statement begs the question when is a foetus a human person? Where do we draw the line? I was  horrified that such a debate would be going on at the same time such procedures are being practiced everyday (125 000 abortions performed daily according to WorldOMeters). Many medical professions and biologist have argued the stage at which an embryo is classified as living and is thus receptive to pain. Due to the stage at which an abortion is performed it is suspected that the foetus will be imperiled to torture. While I do hear both view points my fundamental opinion remains prochoice as I believe that ultimately it was the woman’s actions, thoughts and viewpoints that led her to be in the position of being pregnant so it should be the women’s and only the women’s actions, tho ughts and viewpoints that influence her own decision as to whether she, herself is capable of having a baby. Although my viewpoint hasn’t changed from thinking that some women use abortion as a quick fix, in fact it has become stronger after viewing the above statistics. I still believe that if the women herself wants to abort the child she should be able to, as it is her body and her choice, I do, however, believe that restrictions should be tightened around the stage at which a woman can have an abortion legally. This was a new viewpoint that I gathered from my research, as I hadn’t thought about the different stages of pregnancy and how they relate to whether an abortion should be performed. It was in this way that the research helped me to develop my own personal viewpoints about abortion. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an abortion? Before embarking on my research I was unknowing of the extent the effects of an abortion have on women physically and mentally. When having an abortion most individuals don’t understand the extremity of the short and long-term effects that an abortion can induce. While researching I found a reliable, factual website providing various pros and cons of abortions. Short-term effects are mainly physical such as cramping, bleeding/spotting, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Through I found that perforation of the uterus and cervical lacerations are most commonly presented in woman that have undergone an abortion. Using the website abortion complications I found out that it occurs in 1/20 abortions performed, caused by the application of suction; initiating a 50/50 chance for a miscarriage in the  next pregnancy. The long-term effects of these punctures and lacerations can result in premature births and labor complication s in future pregnancies. Long-term, abortions can have a large impact on future pregnancies and subsequently cause psychological issues. Another common occurrence is an ectopic pregnancy. The embryo develops outside the womb; statistics show that after one abortion you are 30% more prone to its occurrence whereas after two or more abortions you have an increased percentage of 160% ( Additionally women who have had two or more abortions have double the average miscarriages in their first trimester in future pregnancies. More pressingly using the website afterabortion I was astounded by the saddening effects abortion has on an individual’s mindset. Individuals that have had an abortion have an increased suicide rate of 3.4 (after than females that haven’t experienced an abortion. To elaborate the negative effects that abortions have on the metal wellbeing of the individual it is reported that 25% of women who have had abortions have had appointments with a psychiatrist compared to ‘3% in a controlled group’. Abortion is evidently linked with increasing levels of drug and alcohol abuse, violent behavior and depression re-laided in post-abortion trauma subsequently showing in an amplified rate of child abuse ( There are minute positive effects to negative but when researching I have come to the conclusion that the positives take a larger toll on your life than the negatives. In studies shown by DataBlog it cost $431,600 (NZD) to raise a child to 21 years old, so an abortion will aid in the economic stability of your future, not only but according to The BLOG many woman who by-pass children are more successful in their field of work: â€Å"Children can restrict you from living the type of life you want to live — especially if that life includes a high-powered career requiring long hours and travel.† After researching the negative and positive effects that an abortion has on an individual I was appalled, as my perception of an abortion was very different to the reality. I initially perceived abortion as a one-day procedure with no after-effects. I was further shocked by how the choice to have an abortion can potentially affect the rest of your future. I believe that after looking at many  different sources I comprehensively understand the complexity of the issue and can therefore continue to develop my own viewpoint on abortion everyday. How will legal restrictions affect the future of abortions? With many prolife activists seeking abortions laws to be reformed, I believe that the future of abortions will change but not to the extreme of making abortions illegal. Sourcing my information from ‘Family Planning’ and ‘Abortion services in New Zealand’ I am now aware that in New Zealand abortions are legal if they abide by a-set criteria. Whether or not the pregnancy is a result of incest or rape or how old the mother is, according to Crimes Act 1961. Using the article ‘What if abortions were legal? By Libby Anne’ there are many viable outcomes stated that are occurring in America due to the movement of prolife in politics. Many abortion clinics around America have been shut down, with the recent closing of 5 clinics in Louisiana that don’t comply with the new bill. Prochoice activist say that this is an outrage and the bills intention is not invested in the woman’s safety but in making abortions illegal (Huff Post). As a result according to Love, Joy, Feminism there has been an increased rate of complications for women such as an increase in abortion inducing drugs and ‘back alley’ abortions being performed resulting in greater harm to women than an abortion. This is backed up further as Jennifer Dalven, director of American civil liberties union says â€Å"In fact, major medical groups like ACOG and AMA oppose these laws because they actually harm women by preventing them from getting high quality medical care†. Further restrictions will only accelerate this trend additionally, with reference to ‘Abortion rates continue to rise’- The independent Anna Furedi, chief executive of the British Pregnancy Advisory quotes â€Å"one third of women in their reproductive lifetime will require an abortion†. I believe that this is a direct influence of the new bill being passed making it harder for women to find a provider, therefore partaking in dangerous procedures to terminate their child. Not only but National President Morgan Healy’s assertion: â€Å"It’s not right that New Zealand still classes abortion under the crimes act† this resides with me deeply, as abortion is always under scrutiny; it is legal and a daily procedure around the world and I believe it shouldn’t be classified as a crime. I think that increasing such restrictions will have a  very negative impact on society with progressively worse outcomes. From my research my opinion has been swayed that with such a growing movement for abortions to be banned it may be plausible. Conclusion When I set out to find an answer to my prevailing question; whether abortion is humane or not, I did not expect that my opinion would alter: I used to support prochoice with the judgment that an abortion was acceptable and that woman should have all rights over their body, but through researching I now understand that the mother’s choice to have an abortion retracts the child’s rights. I don’t think that diminishing a woman’s rights to have an abortion will have a positive effect on society with an estimated increase in ‘back alley’ abortions. I believe that the way to improve the situation is have narrower restrictions cutting down on women eligible to undergo the procedure. I think that this will be beneficial as abortion is currently seen as contraception, which in my opinion is not acceptable. Through such measures, I think that there would be a decrease in the number of abortions carried out, thus forcing sexually active females and males to be more conscious of their actions. Overall I believe that my opinion slightly altered on the issue while still supporting prochoice, as I was exposed to many opposing opinions that shaped and largely influenced my perspective whether an abortion is humane or not.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Vietnam history - Rules of Engagement as seen through the different Essay

Vietnam history - Rules of Engagement as seen through the different levels of command - Essay Example There are certain rules of engagement that the Army has to consider during its operation, and while fighting the war it has to take care not to go against any of the international laws or the conditions laid down by their commanders. They are only allowed to use force and power to win the war if they use it within the set discipline and rules. In Vietnam the individual soldiers totally understood the rules of engagement. However, the problem was with them accepting those rules. The ROE led to restrictions on the military because of which their morale went down. The reason behind this was that, metaphorically speaking, one of the hands of the military was tied back and they were fighting in such a position. This was of course difficult for them and was like asking them to waste their lives without any reason since they could not defend themselves freely just due to certain rules. It is difficult for a battalion commander to come to a conclusion as to when his side should win the battl e, and what they would lose in order for that to happen. The rules of engagement, from the point of view the battalion commanders were pretty realistic. The soldiers would totally disagree since they are fighting and anything that hinders them in defending themselves or others would be disagreeable to them. Coming back to battalion commanders, they feel that it is their right to protect the innocent civilians. And that is where the ROE come into play. These rules prevent the soldiers from attacking under certain circumstances as, although they might only be retaliating to the attack they received, they might also hurt some other people around which is just not done (Lt. Col. Douglas Smith). Same was the case with the division commanders. They also felt the same and outlined the rules of engagement that the army was supposed to follow. It is clear that it was the first priority of these commanders to prevent unnecessary casualties and destruction (Holdorf, 1975). General William West moreland was the permanent commander of MACV and all the US forces in Vietnam were under him. His foresight told him that there was going to be a rise in conflict. The plan that he approached was aggressive and can be called â€Å"search and destroy†. What Westmoreland did was make the forces of Viet Cong come out in order that his men could kill them. According to this man, defeating Viet Cong only required great use of weaponry. Westmoreland was pretty optimistic regarding the war and in his speeches he used to report about the success of the American forces in pulling down the Vietnamese Army. It was during the First World War that in Vietnam President Lyndon Johnson decided against mobilizing the National Guards as, from what he thought, doing such a thing would lead to the Soviets and Chinese getting hints which would definitely cause certain effects upon their direct involvement in the war (Doubler, 2008). Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara was responsible for recomme nding to President Johnson to mobilize the National Guards as well as the reserves. This was in the July of 1965. However, according to the President the ground war was going to end soon and there was a requirement of forces to be present in case there was a war in Korea. The reason that McNamara gives for them failing was that they did not take seriously the obstacles and problems they had to face. Also, according to him they had supported the wrong government

Friday, September 27, 2019

(Character) and relationship to society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

(Character) and relationship to society - Essay Example What is it? It is the protagonist’s attempt to pretend to be treated as a white woman, although she belongs to another nation. It should be mentioned that both Helga (Quicksand) and Clare (Passing) are Mulattos, who are unhappy because the community they live in do not like all â€Å"not-whites.† Both the stories under consideration introduce two women who are eager to navigate their way through ideological, economic and social structures of their communities. It is important to add that Passing and Quicksand not only document the long and continuing dynamic of race in the United States of America; they also describe all the challenges of being â€Å"not-white.† The women described by the author have to struggle for their happiness. Unfortunately, they do not manage to succeed in the fight for their rights. For example, Clare mysteriously dies after her secrete of being black becomes known to her husband. Helga turns into a poor woman who brings up her children a nd is not satisfied with her miserable life. We cannot ignore the fact that only the society is to blame in this situation. Both Helga and Clare found no opportunity to realize themselves and their dreams in their community. Racial discrimination and improper attitude towards black people left no place to recognition and sympathy needed by Mulatto women (p. 11).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Death penalty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Death penalty - Research Paper Example However, death penalty is given for heinous crimes and should not be wholly abolished as it will exempt the fear from the heart of criminal minded people and they will be prone to enjoy liberty in doing crimes. This paper will analyse death penalty in relation to minorities related to different class structures and races, and women on death row. Further, we will also talk about abolition of death penalty. The system of death penalty in many countries around the world is somewhat flawed as the people who are allocated to die for their crime are selected not through justice for all, but through racist motives. The people who usually get the death penalty or are placed on death row belong mostly to the minorities or poor classes of a society. In US, the African Americans and poor people usually face death penalty (Guernsey 7). The criminals who are sentenced to death are kept in special facilities called death row. These death rows are separated from the rest of the prisons (Guernsey 24). Many analysts support death penalty while others deny it altogether. The supporters find the system not racist while others regard it racist. The death penalty cases involving African American defendants are decided by white juries and attorneys who show their belief in death penalty. However, when the cases of white defendants are decided, they usually get less than death penalty. This is not the case always, but mostly the system papers racist (Guernsey 83). White population in US is the minority in terms of being punished with death penalty, however, African Americans form the greatest total of those receiving death penalty after the 17th century (Allen, et al 15). In case of analysis of gender in getting death penalty, it is quite clear that women faced lesser chances of getting death penalty than men. Prior to 1945, women out of those given death penalty were

I've attached the file Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

I've attached the file - Essay Example joyed as a result of concentrating activities near a certain facility for instance, a source of raw materials, transport facility, an institution of higher learning and many others. Localization aids in reducing an enterprise’s expenses such as transport cost and damage on raw materials resulting from long distance transportation. Spatial equilibrium assumption is the notion that firms and workers are different across space and the research on urban areas is distinct from that of nations. Basically, urban economists recognize the existence of agglomeration economies which arise when productivity increase with density; however, assessing the enormity of those economies is a real challenge. The assumption of the existence of a baseline spatial equilibrium provides a map to understanding the role of agglomeration on the economy. In essence, the assumption gives a projection of how workers and firms can cooperate to ensure maximum benefits. Additionally, one gets an overview of urban economics which assists in handling the economic issues at hand. Consequently, the assumption assists in identifying the empirical regularities in urban economics, for instance, people are more productive in dense population and that high wage in urban areas are usually counterbalanced by high cost of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Taxation - Essay Example In implementing the principles of tax efficiency, it adheres to â€Å"fiscal neutrality† in the sense that the tax system is implemented such that â€Å"it does not interfere with the workings of the markets or the decisions of the households while minimising the disincentive effects† of government taxes on he level of economic activity. Subscribing to the perspective of the OECD that â€Å"an efficient tax system† is achieved via a mix of different taxes, the UK tax system combines various types of taxation to promote taxation efficiency (UK Parliament, 2011). Another important policy anchor on which the UK taxation system rests is fairness. According to the UK Parliament (2011), this means that â€Å"the burden of tax should reflect the ability to pay while incorporating principles of intergenerational equity.† A defensible way of interpreting the policy declaration is that the UK’s tax policy is governed by equity taxation which can be extended t o mean that taxation can be used to promote equity. The UK’s notion of equity, however, covers the promotion of social and intergenerational equity. This means that equity across social groups is promoted (without promoting disincentive to work and do business) as well as intergenerational equity. ... It is a standard notion in economics that horizontal equity means that those who earn the same should have equal burden of the tax while vertical equity means that those who earn more should share a higher burden of the tax: those with the same ability should pay the same tax and those with higher abilities should pay more taxes. The UK Parliament (2011) also emphasised that in promoting fairness in taxation requires that the UK government create policy measures that prevent tax avoidance and evasion. Finally, another important reason given by the UK Parliament on why the government of the UK imposes taxes is that people must get value for their money. This is interpreted to mean that the UK taxation is designed and people are taxed in a manner that compliance and collection costs are marshalled to a minimum (UK Parliament, 2011). In sum, based on the UK Parliament’s publication, the core principles of the UK government’s tax policy are sustainability, efficiency, fairn ess and value for money. The four principles provide the basis as well as the reasons on why a certain tax policy is adopted and the manner by which a tax policy is implemented. At the same time, the articulation of the four principles should not obscure a fundamental fact: the â€Å"main aim of the tax system† of the UK is to raise revenue (UK Parliament, 2011). The UK Parliament (2011) publication declared that if tax policy is used to support other objectives then it should be interpreted as an attempt by the tax system to produce the best value for money. With the ongoing global economic difficulties that are believed to have originated from the United States sub-prime crisis of 2008, UK’s taxation policies are also

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business Ethics (Part A) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Ethics (Part A) - Essay Example Often times our myopic approach does not allow us to see the long term possibilities of an ethical action, thus we up taking the shortest and easiest way to fulfil our immediate needs. Ethical dilemmas are prevalent in every aspect of our lifestyle, starting from social groups to work place environment. Velasquez et al (2010) mentioned that ethics cannot be defined by any single definition, as it is dependent on a person’s mentality. Some people define ethics as following their feelings, while other may believe that ethical practices are synonymous to religious customs. However, on closer inspection it has been identified that our feelings often deviate from ethical practices and although several religious customs dictate ethical practices, it may vary across different religions (Bucaro, 2007). Moreover, ethics applies to a theist and atheist alike. An ethical practice also does not fall under legal criteria, because an activity although legal may be unethical. Ethics can be d escribed as developing one’s behaviour based on certain standards which dictates him to do the right thing in a societal context, which will eventually yield a long term achievement or success (BBC, 2014). Running a business operation involves following a set of rules and regulations, which defines the governance of the company. The rules are set in such a way that the company can achieve its financial goals, while meeting the stakeholder’s interest at the same time (Rafner, 2014). Due to highly competitive marketplace, some companies create a competitive work environment, where the employees and workers are given steep targets to achieve. In such a competitive environment the employees often adopt certain unethical practices to achieve their target. In jobs involving direct sales, employees often fabricate and manipulate product related information to the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The effects of poverty on the educational system of children Research Paper

The effects of poverty on the educational system of children - Research Paper Example The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Legislation of 2001 was signed into law to bridge the gap between what President Bush called, â€Å"the haves and have nots† (Hess and Rotherham, 2007, para. 10). The focus of the Act became the â€Å"have nots† which were minority students. Many of these children live in poverty and go to schools in impoverished areas (Wolk, 2011). Most states interpreted this Act as saying that there must be standardized tested on specific curriculum. Each year, millions of children in elementary and high school must take the tests and pass them in order to show that they have achieved the specific scores that teach state has decided upon. Unfortunately, a child who is hungry and who lives in difficult situations that can include violence in the home, malnutrition, neglect and homeless (Aldridge & Goldman, 2007) is still being left behind. Demographics of Poverty in Education In the early 20th Century, the number of children who were living in poverty was lower than it is today. As an example statistics from the U.S. Department of Education show that between the years 2007 and 2009 (most recent statistics) the incidence of children living in poverty rose to 19%; In 2000, this statistic was only 15% (Avd et al., 2001). In 2010, the poverty rate for children rose to 22% which meant that one in five children under the age of 18 is living in poverty in America (Censky, 2011). The poverty rate for non-Hispanic whites was the lowest in 2010 at 9.9%. Blacks had the highest rate for poverty at 27.4% and other Hispanics were at a poverty rate of 26.6%. Men and women also faired differently. For men, about 14% were below the poverty line and single fathers were at a 15.8% poverty rate. Women were at a 16.2% poverty rate, but single mothers had a 31.6% poverty rate (Censky, 2011). In today’s economy, when so many families have lost their jobs and their homes , there are many reasons why there is a rise in these statistics. In the past, it was possible that certain situations produced poverty and the families in poverty were concentrated in certain racial backgrounds. Today, any family of any racial group can find themselves in poverty. In fact, â€Å"about 46.2 million people are now considered in poverty, 2.6 million more than last year† (Censky, 2011, para. 4). According to Aldrige & Goldman (2007), every region and every type of family can find themselves in poverty. This means that family circumstances can change at any time, putting children more at risk. Defining Poverty as it Relates to Education Jensen (2009) defines poverty as â€Å"a chronic and debilitating condition that results form multiple adverse synergistic risk factors and affects the mind, body, and soul† (p. 6). Jensen (2009) also identifies six types of poverty: Situational poverty that happens because of a crisis, or loss. This type of poverty is usua lly temporary. The events could be â€Å"environmental, disasters, divorce, or severe heath problems† (Jensen, 2009, p. 6). Generational poverty where more than one generation is born into this situation and family members do not have the tools to move out of poverty. In other words, this is all their family has ever seen or known. Absolute poverty were the basic needs of food and shelter are not available (rare in the United States according to Jensen, 2009). Relative poverty exists when a family’s economic situation does not meet the standard of living that the rest of the society experiences. Urban poverty happens in cities of 50,000+ people

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Relativism in ethics poses serious problems for Christians Essay Example for Free

Relativism in ethics poses serious problems for Christians Essay With reference to other aspects of human experience, comment on the claim that relativism in ethics poses serious problems for Christians. Justify your answer. [15] Ethical relativism is the theory that states morality is relative to culture and circumstance, meaning the same action may be morally right in one society but be morally wrong in another. For example, most societies believe the act of sacrificing either people or animals is wrong, but there are tribal cultures that perceive it as part of normal life. If one takes this approach there are no such things as moral absolutes, and this can pose problems for Christians. For most Christians ethics are dependent on rules recorded in the Bible. Paul instructs, â€Å"Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.† In the Old Testament especially there are many empathic statements such as, â€Å"Do not kill,† which do not leave much room for ethical relativism. They reject the idea that the ends could justify the means, because sin is sin no matter what the intentions behind it were. Slick wrote on this topic, â€Å"I consider moral absolutes to be real because they come from God and not because they are determined by the whims of mankind.† One of the main criticisms of ethical relativism from within Christian circles is how it leads to a subjective view on morality. If there are no fixed moral truths then that leaves the individual as the supreme moral agent. Under this theory it could be argued the Holocaust was moral – after all, it was the view of that culture that Jews should be exterminated. Anti-Semitism was a societal norm. Groothuis put forward this view: â€Å"Surely any morally sane person must ethically condemn Nazi atrocities as evil †¦ but relativism cannot permit such judgments. The morality of everything is relative — even genocide.† Humans are tainted by sin and therefore are predisposed to make poor choices. On the other hand, relativism does not necessarily mean that anything is acceptable. This is too simplistic a way of looking at it. For example, Peter Singer would describe himself as a believer in ethical relativity, but he wrote, â€Å"what has to be shown to put practical ethics on a sound basis is that ethical reasoning is possible.† He rejected the idea of moral absolutes but also rejected the idea that you could not criticise the choices of others. He stated that human reason is a major factor when it comes to decision making, and that it is not simply a case of choosing what pleases you most. Many Christians have no problem reconciling the Bible with a relativistic approach to ethics. After all, even the Bible contains things that modern day believers do not adhere to such as slavery. When the Bible addresses a topic it should not be compared against the sensibilities of the modern world, but rather against the culture of the ones to whom the Bible was addressed. The Bible was written a long time ago by fallible humans and Christian denominations such as the United Methodist Church in the USA hold a position of ethical relativism. This has led them to performing same-sex weddings and other things that set them apart from their conservative counterparts. They see relativism not as a problem for Christians, but something that can free them from legalism and allow them to be more loving. Strict adherence to Sola Scriptura when it comes to ethics can reject the believer’s own conscience and work of the Holy Spirit, which are also a necessary part of moral decisions. This is similar to those that espouse Christian utilitarianism and believe that God wants them to be happy, even if it requires breaking Biblical law. In the words of Zack Hunt, â€Å"Don’t let dogma and doctrine get in the way of practicing Love, who is God.†

Friday, September 20, 2019

Wendys Old Fashioned Hamburgersis

Wendys Old Fashioned Hamburgersis 1. Executive Summary Wendys Old Fashioned Hamburgersis an international fast foodchain restaurant founded byDave Thomason November 15, 1969, inColumbus, Ohio, and moved its headquarters toDublin, Ohioon January 29, 2006. Wendys was Americas national food, and the worlds third largest hamburger fast food chain with approximately 6,700 locations. On April 24, 2008, the company announced a merger withTriarc, which is the parent company ofArbys. Following the merger, Triarc came to be known asWendys/Arbys Group. Arbys Group is the parent company of Wendys, and is a publicly traded company. Arbys group of restaurants is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wendys/Arbys Group, Inc. This report will be focusing on Wendys Burgers of the Wendys/Arbys Group. The main aim of this report is to investigate and analyze the marketing activities of Wendys Burgers. What is the Wendys orientation? What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of Wendys? What are the competitive advantages of Wendys? What is the impact of Wendys marketing mix? And its positive and negative effects on the market and competitors in similar segment. This report in its further course, will try to address the above questions and more. 2.INTRODUCTION Wendys/Arbys Group is the parent company of Wendys, and is a well known publicly traded company. Approximately 77% of Wendys restaurants are franchised, the majority of which are located in North America. Wendys and its affiliates, employs more than 46,000 people in its global operations. In fiscal year 2006, the firm had $9.45 billion (USD) in total sales.While Wendys sets its standards for exterior store appearance, food quality and menu, individual owners have control over the hours of operations, interior dà ©cor/design, pricing, staff uniforms and their wages. Wendys ended the fiscal year 2007 with just under 6000 Wendys Old Fashioned Hamburgers restaurants in operation. Of these, 1,274 (21%) were company owned and operated by the company itself while the remaining 4,662 restaurants were franchised. In addition to Wendys Old Fashioned Hamburgers, Wendys has invested in the Cafe Express and Pasta Pomodoro restaurant chains, owning 70% and 29% of those chains, respectively. Until 2006 Wendys International, Inc. also owned the ‘Tim Hortons and ‘Baja Fresh franchises. The chain is known for itssquareground beef patties in itshamburgers and the Frosty, a form of soft serve ice cream mixed with frozen starches contracted from potato products. The idea for Wendys old fashioned hamburgers was actually inspired by Dave Thomass trips toKewpee Hamburgersin his home town ofKalamazoo, Michigan. The Kewpee sold square hamburgers and thick malt shakes, much like the well-known restaurant that Thomas eventually founded inColumbus, Ohio, in 1969. Thomas named the restaurant after his fourth childMelinda Lou Wendy Thomas. 3.WENDYS ORIENTATION Nature of demand Over the past century, market for fast food has increased drastically, time being one of the major constraints. A recession in the early 1980s, combined with high beef prices and Wendys explosive as well as threatening growth incited the burger wars†. Wendys moved into the number three spot behind McDonalds and Burger King, fueled by its introduction of a chainwide salad bar, chicken breast sandwiches, fish sandwiches, and baked potatoes. Extent of demand As of December 2006, Wendys was Americas national food, and the worlds third largest hamburger fast food chain with approximately 6,700 locations. Approximately 77% of Wendys restaurants arefranchised and the majority of which are located in North America. Wendys and its affiliates employs more than 46,000 people in its global operations. In fiscal year 2006, the firm had $9.45 billion (USD) in total sales and earned total revenue of $2.5 billion (USD) in 2007. Orientation Wendys tries to sense the customers needs and demands. This proves that the company is purely marketing oriented. Wendys puts in much effort for orientation towards the marketplace and its market share. Companies have their respective beliefs concerning their marketing efforts which are usually varied from company to company. The challenging concepts beneath which companies perform their marketing activities are as follows: Wendys Production Concept Customers are attracted to those products which are readily available and cheaper in price. Organizations following this concept targets on accomplishing the large production competence, minimal costs and bulk distribution. Wendys Product Concept The way that Wendys Old Fashioned Hamburgers does business and markets its products to consumers is due to the change in our society to where the consumer wants the biggest, quickest, and best product that they can get for their money. Wendys introduced healthier options amid rising obesity levels and a general interest in healthier foods, some fast-food companies have been going in the opposite direction, introducing ever more calorific and fat-laden burgers in a bid to win customers. Wendys Selling Concept The concept of ready-cooked food for sale is the primitive and foremost selling concept of Wendys burgers. Wendys uses ‘fresh, never frozen beef/fresh ground beef in their hamburgers. Wendys has moved in line with the Quick Service Restaurant or QSR industry and has been working to offer healthy food choices. Wendys has added sandwiches and salads to its menu, and offers side dish substitutes for French fries like salads for health conscious customers. Wendys Marketing concept Marketing is the science of actualizing the buying potentials of a market for a specific product. It in turn reflects a selling concept because it centers on promoting a product rather than meeting a defined area of consumer needs. The marketing concept sidetracks the basic conflict between the buyer and the seller. Consumers want good quantity and quality products for less prices, where as producers wants to sell at high prices. The marketing concept does not provide a solution to the classic bargaining problem which is widely prevalent. Holistic Marketing Concept This involves development, design and implementation of marketing programs, processes, and activities that recognizes organizations breadth and inter-dependencies. Precisely, this concept is an approach to marketing that tries to identify and resolve the opportunity and difficulties of marketing activities. There are 4 main elements in Holistic marketing namely (Kotler and Keller 2006: 16): * Integrated marketing involving communications, products services, channels. * Social responsibility marketing involving Ethics, Environment, Legal and Community. * Relationship marketing involving Customers, Channel and Partners. * Internal marketing involving Marketing department, senior management and other departments. Wendys strictly follows the above concepts as it includes most of the marketing activities. Wendys Business Strategies Wendys new strategy puts its food products on center stage and changes its media-buying habits to zero in more narrowly on different market segments. TV spots and print ads will focus on specific audiences instead of delivering the same message to all demographic groups, tailoring the messages to the required audiences, broadening its scope. In addition, the nearly 6,700-unit chain will advertise on the Internet to attract younger consumers and use a character named Smart Square to appeal to them in TV spots/advertisements. Globally, all the Wendys employees work together to achieve in Driving Growth, Funding Growth and become Best Place to Work. 4.S.W.O.T Analysis â€Å"SWOT analysis is a structured approach for evaluating the strategic position of a business by indentifying its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats† (Jobber 2007: 63). To get a clear idea of Wendys/Arbys groups outlook, it is useful to analyze the restaurants Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). Additionally, a SWOT analysis summarizes the outcome of marketing audit of the company (Jobber 2007: 61). Positive factors Internal factors Negative or potential to be negative Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats External factors Strengths Positive, tangible and intangible attributes internal to an organization and within the organizations control forms the strengths of a company. * A strength in Wendys manufacturing is that their food is known for its freshness and quality. * This quality of food is said to be one of the main reasons why Wendys has outpaced the annual sales gain of McDonalds from 1998 to 2002 (â€Å"Industry Surveys,† 2003, p. 3). * The expert management system of Wendys burgers adds to its much strength in time managing and store managing skills. * The pleasant atmosphere of all the Wendys stores adds value to its strong customer oriented approach. * Hamburgers are made with fresh, never frozen beef which is a huge hit with the customers. * Being a Global brand, Wendys is capable of worldwide expansion with huge market left to be tapped and consumer base to capture. * Strong supply chain is one of the key strengths of Wendys burgers with the suppliers meeting the fast food chains constant demand for the in time supply of raw materials in turn meeting the customers requirements. * Another major strength of Wendys is its ‘mid night push plan, it is operating its stores after the mid night also, which attracts the teenage and young people a lot. * One of the major strength of the Wendys is its nutritional valued menu for the people who are maintaining a balanced diet. * Wendys is the first restaurant which is offering a special menu for children and even for the kids. Weaknesses Internal factors within an organizations control that detract from the organizations ability to attain the desired goal are the weaknesses of an organization. * A manufacturing weakness could be that it will be difficult for Wendys to make dramatic improvements in the area of store management in the future. * Breakfast menu Wendys experimented with serving breakfast for a short time, but the endeavor was unsuccessful due to several issues. * Constant management changes have lead to a reduction in customer as well as employee satisfaction hindering its growth and expansion. * The franchisee stores are given freedom to have their own store atmosphere and layout and also employee uniforms. * High dependence on a major country is the main weakness of the Wendys. Though it is globalized, it was operating mostly in USA and Canada. In the year 2007, more than 70% of its revenue is from the USA, this phenomenon leads to loss in profit rates in international market. * The Wendys spreading of its stores is relatively very less, when compared to its close rivals, McDonalds and Burger King. The McDonalds opening 200 stores per year, the Burger King is opening at a rate of 150 per year, but Wendys is opening only 50 stores per year, so the expansion of business is very less comparatively. Opportunities External attractive factors that represent the reason for an organization to exist and develop. Brand recognition is the significant factor affecting their competitive position. * Wendys international brand image gives it a scope for expansion into International markets. * Recession has little or no effect on the fast food industry which provides a great opportunity for growth and expansion. * Wendys was the first to introduce ‘fish sandwich making its mark and grabbing a huge market share. * Rising of restaurant business in USA is great opportunity for Wendys. According to the Forbs magazine survey, in the year 2007 more than 25% of USA government revenue from fast food sector. The reasons for increment in convenient food consumption is, increasing single parent families, dual working households, no time for active cooking at home, hike in living standards of people etc. Wendys can utilize this as a great opportunity to increase its business * Increasing population of teenagers and young people is a great opportunity for Wendys, as it was targeting them. According to the census in 2008, more than 40% of American people are teenagers, which was a great opportunity for Wendys. * Increasing opportunities in developing countries like China and India. In 2007 Wendys make one percent of its revenue from India and two percent from China, still to be increased. There is a great opportunity for Wendys to develop its business in developing countries as there is less operating cost when compared to the developed countries. Threats External factors beyond the organizations control which could place the organization mission or operation at risk. * Accusation Wendys was accused recently as a consumer found a human finger in one of its item (Chili). Such kind of accusations would surely affect the brand image and high chances of drop in the market share. Much time and money is consumed to regain the lost share of the fast food market. * Competitors Wendys faces stiff competition in the overall fast food industry, as McDonalds holds a dominating 18% share of the market with Wendys and Burger King holding shares of approximately 2% each. In recent years Wendys has been lagging behind McDonalds and Burger King in same store sales growth, an indicator of how established franchises are faring in the market. In addition to traditional hamburger-based fast food restaurants, Wendys must compete with chains such as Subway, Yum! Brands (YUM) and Jack In The Box (JBX). * Controversy Wendys found itself the focus of a boycott bygay rightsgroups when the company pulled advertising from the sitcomEllenin 1997, which it deemed controversial. * Illnesses caused by food are the major threat for any fast food company. Though more care was taken, there was chance of food borne illnesses like e coli, gastric trouble etc. This was a major threat for Wendys. * Food storage and transportation is also a major threat for Wendys. As it is more difficult to store raw materials as there are highly vulnerable to decomposition. * Targeting a particular section of people is a major threat for Wendys, as it is targeting the teenagers only. This leads to a loss in the satisfaction of people of other sections. * International Business expansion Limiting the business to the USA is the major threat to Wendys at international level. Limiting the business may leads to limiting the globalization and decreasing the brand name, profits and sales. Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Make the most of these Watch competition closely Threats Restore strengths Strategic turn around required 4.1 .Conclusion Wendys/Arbys group has to maintain all their strengths and grab all the opportunities. On the other hand, Wendys/Arbys group should sooner overcome all its weaknesses and work harder in overcoming the threats. 5.Competitive Advantage â€Å"Competitive advantage is the achievement of superior performance through differentiation to provide superior customer value or by managing to achieve lowest delivered cost† (Jobber 2007: 27). Competitive Factors Factors like being the third largest chain restaurant, having a large market share in USA and its target consumers being teenagers who form a majority of consumer base are considered as the competitive factors by Wendys. Product Strength Ââ€" Lack of differentiation- Consumers have accessibility to similar menu that is used by other hamburger chains of the same segment. Hence fulfilling consumers needs. Ââ€" Unique patty shape- Wendys burgers have a unique square shaped patty instead of a regular round patty, which other hamburger chains use. Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction Ââ€" Convenience- The ease of accessibility of its stores by deploying them in prime locations adds to consumers convenience. Ââ€" Speed of service- Implementing drive through and home delivery system in all its stores to attain speedy customer service. Market Share Ââ€" Third largest company in QSR or Quick Service Restaurants Ââ€" Introduction of new products like fish sandwich, square shaped fresh ground beef patty, salads in its breakfast menu, etc have been introduced by Wendys. Ââ€" Fifth in terms of highest total revenue generated next to McDonalds Corporation, Doctors Associates, Yum! Brands and Jack in the Box. Customer Concentration Ââ€" Location variables Setting up Wendys restaurants where the potential consumer(working class, teenagers, etc) concentration is high. Ââ€" Strengthen penetration To attain a firm grip in the market where it is already existing. Cost Control Ââ€" Centralized distribution center Wendys has the strongest supply chain management system which is very efficient in saving unnecessary expenses thus reducing the number of distributing centers in turn cutting down on costs. Ââ€" Reduce labor costs Costs associated with labor is a major factor in the success of any business. Wendys labor costs include upper management, but the bulk of Wendys employees are the workers at individual restaurants. Wendys achieved to cut labor cost by downsizing the number of managers from 3.6 to 3.3 by June of 2007. Wendys expects that this will not only decrease labor costs but also enhance efficiency at individual restaurants as they have found that a high number of managers can result in division of responsibility and confusion. In 2007 Wendys total operating costs were approximately $2.29 billion while total revenue was about $2.45 billion, leaving a slim operating income of approximately $156 million. If Wendys labor cost reduction initiative can successfully decrease labor costs without negatively impacting revenues, Wendys could see a substantial increase margins and operating profits. Ââ€" Economies of scale- Economies of Scale is achieved by balancing the capital invested and reducing costs. Investments Ââ€" International fast food market is the best place to invest in as far as Wendys investment options are considered. Ââ€" Research on untapped foreign markets in order to gain knowledge for future investments. Forces that Affect Competition Ââ€" The Economy caused businesses everywhere to focus on low cost to the customer, this presents a problem when every firm lowers its prices. Ââ€" The end result is that the low price becomes the new standard so competition now lies in value. Ââ€" Wendys has taken this road before during the inflationary period of the 1970s, with the slogan â€Å"Quality is Our Recipe†. Ââ€" The Super Size Me Documentary also affected competition among the major fastfood chain restaurants. Ââ€" Caused a public backlash against fast-food restaurants. Ââ€" In response to the 2004 film, Wendys introduced the Chicken Temptation ® selections to their existing menu. Competing in the Industry Ââ€" Overall Wendys needs to stand by their strategy of creating a niche market by way of their side dish offerings. Ââ€" Expand competition base by being innovative and effective. 5.1.Conclusion The major competitive advantage of Wendys is ‘Healthy Fast Food. 6.Marketing Mix Analysis †¢ The tools available to a business to gain the reaction it is seeking from its target market in relation to its marketing objectives †¢ 7Ps Price, Product, Promotion, Place, People, Process, Physical Environment †¢ Traditional 4Ps extended to encompass growth of service industry Marketing strategy is generally obtained by the 3 key elements namely the target markets, competitors targets and the competitive advantage (Anderson 2008). Once the marketing strategy is finalized, the company starts looking into the facts of the marketing mix. â€Å"Marketing mix is the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market.† (Armstrong and Kotler 2009). Marketing mix is essential for the company to develop the demand for its products. This can be collectively done by the four vital categories which are well-known as 4-Ps of marketing mix. The 4-Ps are namely Product, Price, Place and Promotion (Armstrong and Kotler 2009: 83). Product Customer solution â€Å"Product is a good or service offered or performed by an organization or individual, which is capable of satisfying customer needs† (Jobber 2007: 28). Brand name and Quality The brand image is obtained by utilizing the fundamentals of marketing mix (Jobber 2007: 332). Wendys/Arbys Group is the parent company of Wendys, and is a publicly traded company. Wendys Restaurant Group, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wendys/Arbys Group, Inc. Wendys/Arbys Group, Inc. is the franchisor of the Arbys and Wendys restaurant systems and trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol WEN. A change in the companys ownership set the course for menu expansion and a strengthened brand. On September 29, 2008, Triarc Companies Inc. merged with Wendys International, Inc. to form Wendys/Arbys Group, Inc. Wendys/Arbys Group, Inc. is the third largest quick-service restaurant company in the United States. Wendys restructured its cleanliness standards, menu and other operational details to ensure that stores met the goals and standards of the parent company so that its franchises were competitive in the market. Wendys mission is to deliver superior quality products and services for their customers and communities through leadership, innovation and partnerships. Their vision is to be the quality leader in everything they do. Wendys has a strategic vision focused on these core values: Quality: Freshly-made products and superior service are their passion; consistent excellence in customer service is their goal. All actions are guided by absolute honesty, fairness and respect for every individual. People (consumers) are the key to success; they value all members of the diverse family for their individual contributions and their team achievements. Satisfying internal and external customers needs is the focus of everything they do. Continuous improvement is how they think and innovative change provides competitive opportunities. Features and Variety The Wendys menu features a variety of products that are stated below which are unique from its competitors. * Signature roast beef, including Roast burger. * Market Fresh deli sandwiches. * Market Fresh salads. * Toasted subs. * Jamocha and specialty shakes. * Curly Fries and Side kickers. * Wendys featuresFrench friesas a primary side item, but also offers a number of options for side items/dips, includingsalads(side and Caesar side),chili,yogurtwithgranola,mandarin oranges, andbaked potatoes. In several markets, the customer may request any of these side items to be substituted for fries in its value meals. * In June 2006, Wendys removed their classic Biggie and also the Great Biggie sizes in favor of a more traditional sizing system like; Small, Medium, and Large. * Frostydessert It is asoft serve ice creamdessert sold in chocolate or vanilla flavours. Also sold as a floatand a mix-in dessert called the Twisted Frosty. * In Japan, Wendys offers ared bean pasteand cheese sandwich called as an An Burger * Big Classic- It is a sandwich that directly competes with the Burger Kings Whopper. * Mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato,pickle, ketchup and onion served on aKaiser-style roll. A second version with bacon is available, called the Big Bacon Classic. * Baconator- with mayonnaise, 6 strips of bacon, two 1/4 pound (113.4 gram) patties, ketchup and two pieces of American cheese. * In Dec 2006, Wendys phased out and stopped offering their fried Home style chicken strips in most of its U.S.locations. There is now a chicken club combo in the place of the strips, which features a Home style chicken patty, Spicy chicken patty or a Grilled Chicken patty with Swiss cheese and also bacon. The Home style chicken strips are still available in parts of Canada. * In the Philippines they serve fried chicken, which forms staple at most fast food restaurants in that country. Price Customer cost â€Å"Price is the amount of money customers must pay to obtain(buy) the product.† (Armstrong and Kotler 2009: 83). The price of any product partially highlights its quality. Pricing Strategy The Pricing strategy primarily consists of * Getting to know the market. * Elasticity. * Keeping in pace with the competitors. * Because Price and Convenience are near universal throughout firms in the industry, Wendys must focus on becoming the â€Å"highly favored† fast-food choice. Doing so will give customers more inclination to visit store locations. Place Convenience â€Å"Place includes company activities that make the product available to target consumers.† (Armstrong and Kotler 2009). The vital role of marketing is the process of how the product is being sent from seller to buyer. The means by which the products and services reach the consumer from the producer and where they can be accessed by the consumer. The more places to buy the product and the easier it is made to buy it, the better for the business (and the consumer). Availability Approximately 77% of Wendys restaurants are franchised, the majority of which are located in North America. Wendys and its affiliates employ more than 46,000 people in its global operations. While Wendys sets standards for exterior store appearance, food quality and menu, individual owners have control over hours of operations, interior decor, pricing and staff uniforms and wages. Wendys operates in 19 countries around the world while its headquarters is based in Dublin, Ohio. It operated in more countries, but closed down in some of them due to certain circumstances. Inventory Wendys never uses frozen beef, its always fresh. Promotion Communication â€Å"Promotion means activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target customers to buy it.† (Armstrong and Kotler 2009). Different ways of promoting the product are Advertising Advertising is a major phase of overall product or service development and management. Advertising is specifically part of the outbound marketing activities, or activities geared to communicate to the market, e.g., advertising, promotions, public relations, etc. Wendys recently began a cross-promotion withNintendo. When you buy specific Wendys items you receive a code on that can be entered on the web siteFrostyFloat.comand be entered to win aWii. Wendys marketing arm engages inproduct placementin films (such asThe Day After Tomorrow,Mr. Deeds,Garfield: The Movie, andClick) and television and is sometimes seen on ABCs hitreality showExtreme Makeover: Home Editionserving food to the more than 100 construction workers. A recent Wendys commercial features the tune from theViolent Femmessong Blister in the Sun.ScrubsstarZach Braffcan currently be heard invoiceoverin Wendys newest commercials. With the launch of the new ad campaign, Wendys has also unveiled a new slogan, Thats right. Few of the advertising slogans of Wendys are given below US Canada * 1970 Present:Quality Is Our Recipe * 1978:Juicy hamburgers and lots of napkins * 1979: Hot-N-Juicy * 1980:Wendys Has the Taste * 1981:Aint No Reason to Go Anyplace Else * 1982:Youre Wendys Kind of People * 1983:Parts is parts * 1984:Wheres the beef? * 1986:Choose Fresh, choose Wendys * 1987:Give a little nibble * Circa 1990:The best burgers and a whole lot more(also was printed inside the hamburger wrappers during the 1990s) * 1997 Present:Eat great, even late * 2002:Its hamburger bliss. * 2004:Its better here * 2004:Always Great, Even Late. * 2005 2007:Do what tastes right.(primary slogan) * 2005 Present:It takes flair to be square. * 2007:Thats right. * 2007:Uh Huh. * 2007:Hot Juicy Burgers International * 1983:Its the best time forWendys(Philippines) * 2000 (approx) Present:We dont cut corners(New Zealand) * 2000 (approx) Present:Wendys cuadra contigo(Wendys fits with you). The wordcuadra(fit) is a reference to the wordcuadrothat meanssquare(Venezuela) * 2001 (approx) Present:El Sabor de lo Recien Hecho(The Flavor of the Brand New Made) (Honduras) * 2007 (approx) Present:Wendys es Sensacional(Wendys is Sensational) (El Salvador) Personal selling Personal selling involves incentive programs, sales presentations and trade shows (Armstrong and Kotler 2009: 383). Personal selling is oral communication with potential buyers of a product with the intention of making a sale. The personal selling may focus initially on developing a relationship with the potential buyer, but will always ultimately end with an attempt to close the sale Personal selling is one of the oldest forms of promotion. It involves the use of asales forceto support apush strategy(encouraging intermediaries to buy the product) or apull strategy(where the role of the sales force may be limited to supporting retailers and providing after-sales service). Sales Promotion Sales promotion is any initiative undertaken by an organization to promote an increase in sales, usage or trial of a product or service. Sales promotions can be directed at either thecustomer, sales staff, ordistributionchannel members (such asretailers). Public Relations Public relations can be used to build rapport withemployees,customers,investors,voters, or the general public. There are various kinds of public relations, but the most important are financial relations with public, product relations with public,and crisis public relations.  § Financial public relations providing information mainly to business reporters.  § Product public relations gaining publicity for a particular product or service (rather than using advertising).  § Crisis public relations responding to negative accusations or information.  § Wendys has their official worldwide websites where the it regularly updates information such as yearly annual report, products, interviews with management faculties etc. 6.1.Ad

Thursday, September 19, 2019

authors who wrote first five books of the Bible Essay -- essays resear

Documentary hypothesis says that there were several authors who wrote first five books of the Bible. In my essay I will try to discuss J, P, and E - authors of Genesis, Exodus and Numbers. I must admit that all these authors had lived after the division of the kingdom. AUTHOR J This author was identified as J for using word Yahweh or Jehovah for the name of God. Also there is an interesting theory that author J was a woman. Of course, there are statements that prove it. First of all I want pay your attention on the fact that we are speaking about patriarchal society where a man was a head of the family and the role of a woman was to give a birth to children. But in the Bible we can find verses and even whole chapters that tell us about women and sometimes show that these women are smarter than patriarchs. There are several examples. The first one is creation of the Earth (Gen.2:4b-25). The author tries to show that culmination of the creation was a woman – Eve. J writes that Adam could not find a helper among the animals and birds so God decided to create a woman from his ribs. In Gen.2:7 J plays with the word Adam which is related to the Hebrew word Adamah (ground). She points out that a man, animals and birds were created from a mud while a woman – from a man. In Gen.3 the author indicates that Eve is more intellectually curious than Adam because the serpent speaks with Eve and she makes a decision to taste a fruit. Second example is Rebekah. The whole chapter (Gen.24:1-67) dedicates to finding Rebekah. Then in Gen.27:5-17 J shows Rebekah as intelligent and sly person. She teaches his beloved son Jacob how to overreach Isaac. One more thing about J’s sense of humor: she plays with names of Isaac’s sons in Gen.25:25,26,30 - the first one is Esau (may mean hairy) and his second name is Edom (red), and the second is Jacob (he deceives). We can see J does not like Esau/Edom and we can make a conclusion that she is scion of Jacob. One more example is in Gen.38 - J describes a story about clever and successive woman Tamar, wife of Judah’s son Er. She wants to have children but her husbands Er an Onan died and she was not given to Shelah as his wife. So she decided to outwit Judah. At the end of the story she has children, husband and Judah identifies that she was more righteous than he (that is very unusual for patriarchal society). After reading J’s passages ... is the fact that in this story we can see how the redactor put together passages of two authors. So in Gen.37:28a it is said that â€Å"Midianite merchants came by† but in Gen.37:28b – â€Å"sold him †¦ to the Ishmaelites†. The second is that E author names Moses’s father-in-law Jethro in Ex.3:1,18:1,2,5 (not Reuel – J). One more thing that proves that Moses is not the author of first five books of the Bible is that in Num.12:3 it is said that Moses is a very humble man. So, if he is humble, he could not write these words about himself, it has sense if it is written by E author. MY OPINION ABOUT USEFULNESS OF DOCUMENTARY HYPOTHESIS To my mind, documentary hypothesis is very useful because it answers many questions. How can we imagine that God who †so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life† (John 3:16) could give such commandments as †eye for eye, tooth for tooth and hand for hand† (Ex.21:24) or â€Å"kill them and expose them in broad daylight before the LORD† (Num.25:4)? All these things are result of peoples’ interpretation. Also documentary hypothesis has good explanation of the origin of doublets and triplets.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

An Analysis Of John Berger Essay -- essays research papers fc

Pictures Don’t Always Paint a Thousand Words John Berger makes a bold statement in saying “ No other relic or text from the past can offer such a direct testimony about the world which surrounded other people at other times. In this respect images are more precise and richer than literature,'; (Ways of Reading, 106). This statement is very untrue. Literature has been the focal point of all modern learning.. Literature lets the reader feel what the author is thinking, not just see it as you would in a painting. This can be proven after reading Berger ‘s descriptions of paintings in Ways of Seeing and also reading parts of literature written by W.E.B Dubois.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When a reader reads literature it is easy to feel what the author is writing about . An author’s job is to show the reader his point of view. He does this by describing things, offering opinions, and making conclusions. By doing this the author can get his point across and the reader can hopefully relate to him. A good author will also paint his own picture by words. He will leave the reader with a picture in his head of what he is describing. A writer’s words are stronger than the stroke of an artist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An example of this could be from W.E.B Dubois ‘s Of the Meaning of Progress . DuBois paints us a picture of his life . On page 225, DuBois describes a child , he says “ Thenie was on hand early ,-a jolly, ugly ,good-hearted , who slyly dipped snuff and looked after her little bow legged brother.'; This description is something a picture can not describe. A picture cannot significantly show someone being jolly or good hearted. These two descriptions are important in learning about the character, thus literature is more precise than images.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Berger’s also states that paintings leave the reader to make many conclusions. Berger is talking about the sitter in a painting by Frans Hals. He says “ It is not possible to produce circumstantial evidence to establish what there relationships were, ';(110). Here he is saying by looking at the picture, there aren’t many valid conclusions one can make. The viewer can see five people and describe what they look like, but he cannot dig any deeper. Any other conclusion a reader would mak... ...rpretations. Paintings are left open for the viewer to make his own conclusion. An author could send out an essay to a million different people and receive and still have only one interpretation. An author often will write a thesis statement which lets the reader know exactly what the writing will be about.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, literature is what has built this nation and world from the ground up. Unfortunately John Berger did not feel this way. Images give us a picture that we can see with our eyes, but images leave out the feelings we see in our heart. Literature gives us the power to see and feel everything. The heart and mind will forever be more powerful than the eye.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  WORKS CITED Berger, John. “Ways of Seeing.'; Ways of Reading. Ed. David Bartholomae and Anthony Petrosky. Bedford/St. Martin’s: New York, Boston, 1999. Pg 104-132. Du Bois, W.E.B. “Of the Meaning of Progress.'; Ways of Reading. Ed. David Bartholomae and Anthony Petrosky. Bedford/St. Martin’s: New York, Boston, 1999. Pg 224-231.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Orientalism: Defined and Shown Through The Work of Henry Kissinger :: Orientalism Said Kissinger Essays

Orientalism: Defined and Shown Through The Work of Henry Kissinger Edward Said first published Orientalism in 1978 and the book has continued to open readers' eyes to the true effects of biased thought. Said carefully examines what he calls 'Orientalism' in an attempt to show how different cultures view each other and depend upon other cultures to define their own. This essay will include a brief definition of Orientalism as well as how Henry Kissinger has an Orientalist view upon developing countries, shown through numerous examples from Said's book. Given on the first few pages of his book, Edward Said allows his readers to absorb the concept of Orientalism early on in his book, adding to the definition throughout. Said presents his definition of Orientalism in three "interdependent" fashions, the first shown through the Orient's place among Western European culture: The Orient is not only adjacent to Europe; it is also the place of Europe's greatest and richest and oldest colonies, the source of its civilizations and languages, its cultural contestant, and one of its deepest and most recurring images of the Other. In addition, the Orient has helped to define Europe (or the West) as its contrasting image, idea, personality, experience. [pp. 1-2] Simply put, Said claims that Orientalism represents how Europe has defined themselves against Oriental characteristics. A second form of Orientalism comes from the academic world and is still prevalent in today's society. Said states that "anyone who teaches, writes about, or researches the Orient [regardless of field of study] is an Orientalist, and what he or she does is Orientalism. In a more general sense, this can be seen when academics make the "ontological and epistemological distinction made between 'the Orient' and (most of the time) 'the Occident'" (p 2). Said states that while this form is not as common as in years past, Orientalism will exist so long as these ideas are taught. As the first of the two definitions deal with the "academic and imaginative meanings of Orientalism," the third meaning is derived from the combination of the first two. Said believes that Orientalism can also be thought of as "the corporate institution for dealing with the Orient- dealing with it by making statements about it, authorizing views of it, describing it, by teaching it, settling it, ruling over it: in short, Orientalism as a Western style, for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient" (p 3). Orientalism: Defined and Shown Through The Work of Henry Kissinger :: Orientalism Said Kissinger Essays Orientalism: Defined and Shown Through The Work of Henry Kissinger Edward Said first published Orientalism in 1978 and the book has continued to open readers' eyes to the true effects of biased thought. Said carefully examines what he calls 'Orientalism' in an attempt to show how different cultures view each other and depend upon other cultures to define their own. This essay will include a brief definition of Orientalism as well as how Henry Kissinger has an Orientalist view upon developing countries, shown through numerous examples from Said's book. Given on the first few pages of his book, Edward Said allows his readers to absorb the concept of Orientalism early on in his book, adding to the definition throughout. Said presents his definition of Orientalism in three "interdependent" fashions, the first shown through the Orient's place among Western European culture: The Orient is not only adjacent to Europe; it is also the place of Europe's greatest and richest and oldest colonies, the source of its civilizations and languages, its cultural contestant, and one of its deepest and most recurring images of the Other. In addition, the Orient has helped to define Europe (or the West) as its contrasting image, idea, personality, experience. [pp. 1-2] Simply put, Said claims that Orientalism represents how Europe has defined themselves against Oriental characteristics. A second form of Orientalism comes from the academic world and is still prevalent in today's society. Said states that "anyone who teaches, writes about, or researches the Orient [regardless of field of study] is an Orientalist, and what he or she does is Orientalism. In a more general sense, this can be seen when academics make the "ontological and epistemological distinction made between 'the Orient' and (most of the time) 'the Occident'" (p 2). Said states that while this form is not as common as in years past, Orientalism will exist so long as these ideas are taught. As the first of the two definitions deal with the "academic and imaginative meanings of Orientalism," the third meaning is derived from the combination of the first two. Said believes that Orientalism can also be thought of as "the corporate institution for dealing with the Orient- dealing with it by making statements about it, authorizing views of it, describing it, by teaching it, settling it, ruling over it: in short, Orientalism as a Western style, for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient" (p 3).

Immanuel Kant: An Advocate of Modern Deontology Essay

Deontologists claim that an action or a moral rule is right because of its own nature, even if it fails to bring about the greatest good. Deontology is critically based on duty (deontos) – a moral obligation we have towards another person, a group or society as a whole. In this sense, deontology is concerned with the intrinsic properties of actions, not their end result. Immanuel Kant is arguably the most famous advocate of modern deontology. According to Kant, moral law is synthetic apriori and took an absolutist approach. Kant argued that since everyone possesses the capacity to reason and has a conscience, it would be possible for all people to arrive at an understanding of moral truths without the need for experience. He claimed because reason is universal, moral reasoning would lead to the same results over and over again. Kant belived that obedience to the moral law is a ‘categorical imperative’ – an absolute and unconditional duty on all people to act morally in the correct way. He said that true morality should not depend on individual likes and dislikes or on abilities, opertunitities of external circumstances. Obedience to a moral command is an end in itself. Personal preferences(intuition) cannot be trusted as a reliable guide to what is morally right. Duty is more important, and to this end, he advocated the principle of universalisbility’ which requires people to ‘act in such a way that their actions might become a universal law. Universalisable principles apply to everyone. In his ‘formula of kingdom ends’, Kant claimed that every action should be undertaken as if the individual were ‘a law-making member of a kingdom of ends’ this should ensure that every individual appreciates the significance of his/her part in establishing moral guidelines and rules. Furthermore, the ‘formula of the end in itself’ ensures people are vauled for the intrinsic, not instrumental worth, while the formula of autonomy’ stresses that a moral action must be genuinely free if it is to be genuinely good.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Accounting Midterm

The monetary unit assumption states that transactions that can be measured in arms of money should be recorded in the accounting records. 5. The drawings account Is a subdivision of the owner's capital account and appears as an expense on the unicorn statement. 6. Revenues are a subdivision of owner's capital. 7. The trial balance has no limitations or weaknesses. 8. In an automated system, the entering of data and transferring of information is 9. Adjusting entries are often made because some business events are not recorded as they occur. 10.Adjusting entries are recorded in the general Journal but are not posted to the accounts in the general ledger. 1 1 . Adjusting entries are not necessary if the trial balance debit and credit columns balances are equal. 12. An adjusting entry always involves two balance sheet accounts. 13. The accounting cycle begins at the start of a new accounting period. 14. A work sheet is a mandatory form that must be prepared along with an income statemen t and balance sheet. 15. Both correcting entries and adjusting entries always affect at least one balance sheet account and one income statement account.Multiple Choice: Select the most correct answer. (1 5 marks) 1. As a result of corporate reporting scandals, proposals to improve business raciest have come from all of the following except a. Regulators. B. The investment community. C. The Canada Revenue Agency. D. The accounting profession. 2. Ethics are the standards of conduct by which one's actions are Judged as b. Honest or dishonest. . Fair or unfair. D. All of these. 3. All of the following are steps used to analyze ethical dilemmas except a. Using the organization's code of ethics to identify ethical situations. . Using personal ethics to identify ethical situations. C. Identifying potential stakeholders. D. Discussing the ethical dilemma with co-workers. 4. Generally accepted accounting principles are a. Income tax regulations. B. Standards that indicate how to report econ omic events. C. Theories that are based on physical laws of the universe. D. Principles that have been proven correct by academic researchers. 5. The investment of cash by the owners off business requires a debit to and a credit to a. Owner's capital; cash b. Drawings; owner's capital c. Ash; drawings d. Cash; owner's capital 6. The withdrawal of cash for personal use by the owners off business requires a to the drawings account and a a. Debit; debit b. Debit; credit c. Credit; credit . Credit; debit to the cash account. 7. An accountant has debited an asset account for $1,000 and credited a liability account for $500. What can be done to complete the recording of the transaction? a. Nothing further must be done. B. Debit an owner's equity account for $500. C. Debit another asset account for $500. D. Credit a different asset account for $500. 8.Purchase equipment with a note payable. Pay utilities with cash. . Owner withdraws money from the business for personal use. Example: (a) an d (d) are a match because both of them include one increase in assets and one decrease in assets, so there is no effect on the accounting equation. Question 1: Solution (b) and O) are a match because both of them include one increase to equity and one decrease to equity. (c) and (h) are a match because one decreases liabilities and the other increases liabilities. (e) and (f) are a match because one decreases liabilities and the other increases liabilities. (g) and (I) are a match because one increases assets, and the other decreases assets, showing that utilities were paid in cash with customer cash payments for services rendered. Question 2: 12 marks Hone's Bike Repairs opened for business on March 1, 2008. The following transactions occurred in March. March 1 Jack Hon.. Invested $5,000 cash in the business and contributed equipment March 5 Completed services for customers who paid cash $400. March 6 Paid $660 for a one-year insurance policy. The policy takes effect April 1 and wi ll expire March 31, 2009. March 8 Completed services for a major customer and invoiced the customer $1 ,OHO.March 1 5 Paid for printing advertising brochures $125. The brochures were distributed the same day. March 20 Received a bill from the utilities company for March utilities in the amount of $70. The amount is due April 4. March 5 Entered into a contract with a new customer who will use Hone's services for repairs on their entire fleet of rental bikes. The customer paid $800 in advance for repairs to be completed in April. March 31 Jack Hon.. Withdrew $1,200 for personal use. March 31 Received $600 cash from the customer billed on March 8. Instructions: Journalize the above transactions. Explanations are required.Question 2: Solution *copy answer from paper notes* Question 3: 10 marks Pierson Insurance Agency prepares monthly financial statements. Presented below is an income statement for the month of June that is correct on the basis of information insider. PIERSON INSURANCE AGENCY Income Statement Month Ended June 30 Revenues Premium commission revenues Expenses Salary expense $6,000 Advertising expense 800 Rent expense 4,200 Amortization expense $35,000 Total expenses Net income 13,800 $21,200 Additional Data: When the income statement was prepared, the company accountant neglected to take into consideration the following information: 1.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Journal Entries for habit

Journal Entries for habit one and two Habit 1: Be Proactive According to Stephen Covey, being proactive is part of human nature and humans are responsible for their own lives. He indicated the details of a social map which consist of Genetic determinism (Ancestors), Psychic determinism (Parents) and Environment determinism (Boss or something in the environment). The proactive concept was explained further using the Stimulus and Response relationship and the catalyst story of Viltor Frankl. Between Stimulus and Response, man has the ability or freedom to choose.This means one can decide how to reactive to thing or how to handle each situation. What matters most is how we respond to what we experience in life. We need to take initiative and this means recognizing our responsible to make things happen. We need to act or be acted upon. In Covey’s own words, reactive people are also affected by their social environment, by the â€Å"social weather. † When people treat them w ell, they feel well; when people don’t, they become defensive or protective. Proactive people are still influenced by external stimuli, whether physical, social, or psychological.But their response to the stimuli, conscious or unconscious, is a value-based choice or response. Proactive people aren’t pushy. They’re smart, they’re value driven, they read reality, and they know what’s needed. Another important issue he raised in the book is for people to expand their circle of influence. Habit two: Begin with the end in mind According to Covey, â€Å"Begin with the End in Mind† is to begin today with the image, picture, or paradigm of the end of your life as your frame of reference or the criterion by which everything else is examined.It further means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. Using the principle that all things are created twice, Covey said the unique human capacities of self-awareness, imagination, and conscienc e enable us to examine first creations and make it possible for us to take charge of our own first creation, to write our own script. â€Å"Habit 2 is based on principles of personal leadership, which means that leadership is the first creation. Leadership is not management. † Stephen Covey said as he explained the second habit.He further in the book explained that, in business proactive powerful leadership must constantly monitor environmental change, particularly customer buying habits and motives, and provide the force necessary to organize resources in the right direction. Later in the book, Covey stated that, the most effective way he knows to begin with the end in mind is to develop a personal/ family/ organizational mission statement or philosophy or creed. It focuses on what one wants to be and to do (contributions and achievements) and on the values or principles upon which being and doing are based.Visualization and affirmation were also talked about. Shairay Jones Journal Entries for habit three and four Habit Three: Put first things first. To Covey, we are responsible for our own effectiveness, for our own happiness, and ultimately for most of our circumstances. The third habit is the personal fruit of habit 1 and 2. In Habit 3 according to Covey, we are dealing with many of the questions addressed in the field of life and time management. He used an illustration of four quadrants to show the essence of this habit and time management.Quadrant I stood for both urgent and important things. Quadrant III stood for urgent but not important things. Quadrant IV – not important, not urgent things while Quadrant II which is the heart of effective personal management stood for not urgent, but important things. These things to him are what we should put first before any other thing. He also talked about ‘gofer delegation’ and ‘stewardship delegation’ (taking control and giving control out respectively). Part three: Publ ic Victory At this part, Covey talked about the Paradigm of Interdependence.He asked us to remember that effective interdependence can only be built on a foundation of true independence. Private Victory precedes Public Victory. In the same way, Algebra comes before calculus. To expatiate on this point, Covey noted that independence is an achievement. Interdependence is a choice only independent people can make. So the place to begin building any relationship is inside ourselves, inside our Circle of Influence, our own character. Stephen further recollected an incidence he had with his two sons to explain what attending to little things meant.To him, Small discourtesies, little unkindnesses, little forms of disrespect make large withdrawals in our lives. In relationship for instance, the little thing are the big things. Keeping commitments, Clarifying expectations, showing personal integrity, apologizing sincerely when we make a withdrawal from our emotional bank are important things to do to make deposits in to our emotional banks. Covey mentioned that, with the paradigm of the Emotional Bank Account in mind, we’re ready to move into the habits of Public Victory, or success in working with other people.Habit 4: Think win-win (Principles of Interpersonal leadership) Under this heading, Covey narrated his personal experience at work with a company and at the end he noted that, whether you are the president of a company or the janitor, the moment you step from independence into interdependence in any capacity, you step into a leadership role. You are in a position of influencing other people. And the habit of effective interpersonal leadership is to think win-win. In addition, I learnt from this book that, win-win is not a technique but a total philosophy of human interaction.The principle of win-win begins with character then moves to relationship. Everything else is built on character. Maturity is the second foundation for win-win. To Covey, Maturity is the balance between courage and consideration. To go for win-win, you not only have to be nice, you have to be courageous. You not only have to be empathic, you have to be confident. You not only have to be considerate and sensitive, you have to be brave. That’s why we need to be internally matured, according to Stephen Covey.The third characteristic of a win-win case is the abundance mentality, the paradigm that there is plenty out there for everybody. From the foundation of character, we build and maintain win-win relationship. Shairay Jones Journal Entries for habit five, six, and seven Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Principles of Empathic Communication Stephen Covey began this session by saying this â€Å"if I were to summarize in one sentence the single most important principle I have learned in the field of interpersonal relations, it would be this: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. To him this principle is the key to effective interpersonal communication. It shows how we have such a tendency to rush in, to fix things up with good advice. But we often fail to take the time to diagnose, to really, deeply understand the problem first. There is a link between character and communication. Communication is the most important skill in life. In addition to communication, Covey emphasized emphatic listening, another important factor aiding the fifth habit. We must always seek first to understand before seeking to be understood.Empathic listening means listening with intent to understand and that is needed for habit 5. Diagnosing before we prescribe is also needed for this habit. Habit 6: Synergy Principles of Creative Cooperation â€Å"Synergy is the essence of Principle-Centered Leadership. It is the essence of principle-centered parenting and it catalyzes, unifies, and unleashes the greatest powers within people. All the habits we have covered prepare us to create the miracle of synergy†. Stephen Covey. He defined synergy to mean that, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.He illustrated this in different scenarios and talked about synergistic communication. He explained that, when you communicate synergistically, you are simply opening your mind and heart and expressions to new possibilities, new alternatives, new options. He talked about synergy in the classroom and in business. Another important thing he talked about was what he called Negative synergy. He also talked about valuing the difference; this to him is the essence of synergy, the mental, the emotional, and the psychological differences between people.And the key to valuing those differences is to realize that all people see the world, not as it is, but as they are. Part four: RENEWAL Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Over here, he spoke about the principles of balanced self-renewal. This final habit involves taking time to sharpen the saw and it surrounds the other habits on the Seven Habits paradigm because it is the habit that makes all the others possible. According to him, it involves preserving and enhancing the greatest asset we have. Us) â€Å"Sharpen the Saw† basically means expressing all four motivations (physical, spiritual, mental, and social/emotional). It means exercising all four dimensions of our nature, regularly and consistently, in wise and balanced ways. To do this, we must be proactive, according to Covey. He also used the physical dimension, mental dimension, socio/emotional and the spiritual dimension paradigms to explain this point. Furthermore, he noted that balanced renewal is optimally synergetic.The things you do to sharpen the saw in any one dimension have positive impact in other dimensions because they are so highly interrelated. He, at the end, talked about Inside out again by quoting the words of Ezra Taft Benson†¦ â€Å"The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment.The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature. † Shairay Jones Advance Reading Seminar The 7 habits of highly effective people Questions 1. What made Stephen R. Covey write the book? 2. Does he think the 7 habits are still relevant today? 3. Did he think the book would have the type of effect it had on the people? 4. Did the book influence him? How? 5. What habit had the most influence on him? 6. Where did he come up with the seven habits? 7. How does he fell to know that his book sold over 15 million? 8. Did he buy the book when it first came out?

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Henry Lee Lucas Essay

Henry Lee Lucas On July 11th 1983, a drifter named Henry Lee Lucas was arrested for illegal possession of a fire arm by a felon. Lucas was not at all happy about being locked up, because they were supposedly depriving him of cigarettes and coffee. After being locked up for 4 days, he admitted to one of the jailers that he had â€Å"done some bad things†. He told that he had killed for the last 10 years. He was already a suspect in 2 murders, and the offices were sure that they would soon have enough information to close these 2 cases. Lucas admitted that he had killed Kate Rich and Becky Powell. While in court for these murders, he admitted that he’d had sex with the body, cut it into pieces and burned it in a wood stove. He also said that he had killed at least a hundred more. Police started questioning Lucas about other unsolved murders all over the country. He would admit to them and tell them some details about the crime that would link him to it. Over a period of time, he started offering more information about murders that he had not even been questioned about. He said that he usually picked up hitchhikers then he would quickly kill them and have sex with the body because he preferred sexual contact with a corpse. He generally used a knife or strangulation, but said that he liked to try different methods so that he didn’t leave a pattern for the police to follow. Lucas also later confessed to killing his mother. He said that she was an alcoholic and was mean to him. Some claims say that she supported the family by bootlegging and prostitution. Lucas claimed that his mother made him watch her entertain her clients. He claims that after walking out of the room one time because he was disgusted with her actions, she found him and hit him in the head with a wooden board. He said that after that, he had dizzy spells and headaches. On January 11, 1960, Lucas and his mother got into an argument and Lucas grabbed a knife and plunged it into her neck. He was convicted of second degree murder and sentenced to 20 years. He served 10. Another claim that he made was that of one of his mother’s clients. He said that this man turned him on to bestiality by showing him how to have sex with the corpse of a dog or sheep. He said that he first killed someone just before he turned 15. He said that the reason was so that he could see what it felt like to have sex with a human. Lucas had a traveling companion/lover named Odis Toole. Toole supposedly assisted Lucas in these heinous crimes. Toole’s niece, Becky Powell, began to travel with them. Lucas began to fall in love with her. He decided to take Becky for himself, so he and Becky left Toole and went to TX. Toole was not happy about them leaving. He had lost his longtime lover and his niece. He supposedly killed several people over a 6 month period of time. He also confessed to kidnapping and killing a small boy named, Adam Walsh. Adam’s father was inspired after the killing of his son, to start the popular show, America’s Most Wanted. After living in TX for a while, Becky wanted to come home. Lucas resisted, but later told her to gather her things. They began to hitchhike. He continued trying to get her to change her mind. She did not. At one point, they got into an argument and she slapped him. He took his knife and stabbed her in the heart. He drug her off over and embankment and had sex with her corpse. He cut her up into 9 pieces and spread them over a field. He later returned and gathered the pieces and buried them under a tree. He then returned to where they were living in TX, and to a lady named Kate Rich. He wanted to kill again. He asked Kate if she wanted to help him look for Becky (knowing that she was dead). She agreed and went with him. He drove to the end of a dirt road and stabbed Kate in the side, puncturing her heart. He was immediately aroused. He dragged her from the car and had sex with her body. He cut her up, also, and took her back to where they were living in TX and put her in a stove to burn her remains. After much investigation, and examination of the times and places that some of the murders took place that Lucas had admitted to , police began to question whether or not he was telling the truth. They later figured out that he was lying about several of the instances, because some of them were even committed when he was locked up for other crimes that he had committed. It was also found that he was known to be in a different place when he claimed to have killed in another state many miles away. Lucas claimed to have committed over 360 murders. It was eventually claimed that the police were so interested in closing some of their open murder cases that they would show Lucas the case files to â€Å"refresh his memory†. He in turn used it to his benefit by tying himself to the murders by telling evidence that was never released to the public. The police actually cleared around 213 cases through Lucas’ confessions. He was convicted of only 11 homicides; although some criminologist say that he was responsible for between 40-50 murders. In 1998, Gov. George W. Bush of TX commuted the death penalty that Lucas was handed, to a sentence of life.